Saturday, July 12, 2008

Goat Milk?

Meet the newest additions to our homestead farm... Lucy and Cassie.

Lucy is a bit bigger. She's about 7 months old and a full Nubian dairy goat.

Cassie is just a baby at 5 months old. She's Nubian/Nigerian mix and quite a bit smaller than Lucy.

I spent about 30 minutes yesterday trying to get them used to me. They were finally letting me scratch their heads (between their horns) UNTIL Jon decided to put their collars on. Which wouldn't have been to tramatic for them except he kind of had to corner them to get it on. Because I was associated with Jon - they stopped coming over to me :(. A whole half hour wasted. I'll try again in a day or two. When Josh comes home, it will be his chore to take care of the goats so I'm sure he and I will spend some good calm quality time with Lucy and Cassie. They will learn to like me - I guarantee it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.