Friday, January 8, 2010

365 Days

It is a new year. Thank goodness - lol. After just watching a quite inspiring movie (Julie & Julia) I feel the desire to better myself.

I did not take nearly enough pictures in 2009. I did not cook nearly enough meals for my family. I was not nearly as kind as I should have been. I did not forgive or ask for forgiveness nearly as freely as I should have.

I learned a lot about myself in the past year. I learned that I have much more patience than I ever imagined. I learned that unconditional love really does exist...and I have experienced receiving it and giving it. I learned that being a mom is much more meaningful than being a "mother". I have learned that I am a horrible follow-througher.

I have met many wonderful people. I have established friendships that I hope will last a lifetime. I found myself again. I have been able to distinguish the difference between doing something for someone and truly having the desire of service.

I hope this new year will continue to teach me... hopefully in more subtle ways, but that the things I experience in my life...the things that happen to me and around me will help me grow into a better person.

I have a long list of goals for 2010 and while usually I write them out and tape them up for me to read daily... this year, it was been harder for me to put into writing what I hope to gain from the next 365 (approximately) days of my life.

As I am able to cross items off of my ever growing list, I hope to be able to put my thoughts and feelings into words and express my gratitude for the things I learn on a more regular basis. We shall see.


Annie said...

What a great post! I am so glad you are blogging again. Hooray!

The Moore Family said...

Soo glad you are back cousin! I liked the Julia of Julie & Julia. Julia Child was so unbelievably cheerful, it was awesome. Julie kind of drove me nuts - the "poor me's" are not fun to feel or watch apparently.